Another product of the lab is CAD/CAM Metal with a powerful innovation is incorporated into the Ceramill Sintron® CoCr sinter metal from Amann Girrbach. This non-precious metal revolutionises the manufacturing process, as the wax-like texture of the Ceramill Sintron® blanks (CoCr blanks) allows them to be effortlessly dry milled on in-house benchtop machines such as the Ceramill Motion. The labour-intensive and error-prone casting procedure and therefore time-consuming manual working stages are no longer required.
Ceramill TEMP acrylic can be used for long-term temporary restorations with up to six months in situ in the patient’s mouthTEMP temporary restorations can be fabricated fully anatomically and can also be veneered with conventional crown and bridge resins. They are suitable for checking the fit and functionality of the actual restoration before it is finished, whereby the tooth-coloured material increases the acceptance of the try-in. Crowns and bridges of up to 14 units can be fabricated using TEMP. Customised, aesthetic gingival forming with implant restorations is also possible.
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